What To See While Buying Earphones?

Posted : 19th Apr 2022

Understanding the specifications of an earphone is the most crucial part before buying it. One gets frustrated with a pair of earphones that is wrong for them. There are quite a few things you would like to consider while buying an earphone that suits your budget and you.

What to know before buying earphones?

Following are the things that need to keep in mind before buying earphones

1. Type of earphones

IN-EAR: In-Ear earphones are very handy it is used with the portable devices. In-EAR earphones are not good for long period as it may hurt your ears.

ON-EARS: On-Ears headphones are also called supra-aural headphones, even it is not good for long period. Sound isolation of this headphone is not that good, people around you can hear your audio.

OVER-EARS: These earphones are also called as circum-aural headphones. They are the most comfortable headphones till date it is super comfortable with high sound quality. Only disadvantage is that it is bigger in size which makes it hard to carry. 

2. Frequency response

Frequency response is the range of frequency that an earphone can produce normally it is between 20 HZ – 20000 Hz. If you want more bass you have to choose earphone with wider frequency range.

3. Design and comfort

Check whether you are comfortable with the earphone that you are going to buy as not every human ear is identical so you need to check the fit of the earphone that you are buying.

4. Sensitivity

Sensitivity determines how louder your headphones can produce sound. More the sensitivity louder the sounds gets. Most of the earphones are at 110 dB/mW. You should avoid earphones whose sensitivity is less than 85 dB/mW.

5. Impedance

It works as an opposition to the current flow. It is measured in Ohms. Higher the impedance less current will flow and the less sound level is produced. It is preferred to have less impedance. High impedance earphone works great with the devices carrying high amplifiers which is not possible for the portable devices it doesn’t have an inbuilt amplifier thus You should buy one with low impedance if you are looking to connect with any portable devices.

What are good sensitivity earphones?

A good sensitivity earphone is those which gives loud sound at a given power level. If your earphone has good sensitivity the audio that it produces compared to normal sensitivity earphones will be louder at normal volume whereas the power supply will be same. Sensitivity is also referred to as Efficiency or Sound Pressure Level.

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